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Pianist Reetamaria Rajala will be performing all my so far published solo works for piano at Kirseberg Church in Malmö. This is the first time all my piano works are performed in Sweden. The concert includes the works Epitaph, Characters, Under Stjärnhimlen, Unda, Piano Delirium and Psychedelic. Find the Facebook event here.
Violist Alicja Pyrdol will play the Swiss Premiere of my solo piece Sydänlaulu at the 10th anniversary concert of the series Feeling blue & white in Basel. Find more info here.
My song Landet som icke är composed to a poem by Edit Södergran will be performed at the Åland Opera Festival. The concert will be performed on the 14th and on the 15th of August, both days at 8:30 PM at Kastelholm Castle
My Summer Memories, miniatures for piano trio will be payed at Rauma Festivo. More info can be found here.
My solo piano piece Unda will get its World Premiere at the Mänttä Music Festival premiered by the pianist and artistic director of the Mänttä Music Festival, Niklas Pokki. The concert is organised in collaboration with the Finnish Freshwater Foundation. Find more information here.
Guitarist Osmo Palmu will play my piece Under Stjärnhimlen at his recital at Leppävaara Church. Free entrance! Find the Facebook event here.
My duo Celestial Beings will be performed by violinist Pippa Sieppala and violist Hanna Hohti at the Sysmä Summer Sounds in a concert called “Birds and Beings”. The concert includes music by Josephine Opsahl, Missy Mazzoli, Olli Mustonen and Peter Machajdik in addition to yours truly. More info here and tickets can be bought here.
Pianist Reetamaria Rajala will be performing all my so far published solo works for piano at the Aava Festival. The concert will take place at Korpo Gård in the Archipelago of Turku.
Sonja Vertainen will perform four movements from my solo accordion suite Shapes in the concert series Konzerte im Kirchgarten in the Johanneskirche Völksen, Springe, Germany. She will perform the movements I. “The Rhomb”, II. “The Ascending Line”, III. “Circles and Ellipses” and V. “Dots”. More info here.
My duo Celestial Beings will be performed by violinist violinist Otto Antikainen and violist Ulla Knuuttila at the Toivakka Chamber Music Festival (Toivakan kamarimusiikkifestivaali). The concert includes music by Claude Debussy, Lotta Wennäkoski and Jean-Philippe Rameau in addition to yours truly. More can be found info here.